Sunday, July 12, 2015

weekending + the m's

For Fathers Day this year I gifted the man a pair of Mariners tickets and we finally got to enjoy them! This was much needed considering all of the traveling and working he has been doing over the last month. He was flying back from Nashville Friday evening and wouldn't get in until nearly midnight so I planned a little me time and headed over the pass early. I checked into The Westin Bellevue which we hadn't stayed at before and it was perfect! Right downtown and across the street from Bell Square. I hope your not still wondering what I did once I arrived. SHOPPING!!! Treated myself to dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy and then set out on a hunt for the perfect Mariners shirt (and a whole lot of other crap I really didn't need but totally deserved)! After some exploring I headed back to relax in the hotel and tested out room service and THEE most amazing bed! It's literally called the 'Heavenly' bed and for very good reason. Chocolate covered strawberries? Don't mind if I do. I'll spare you the dirty details of being reunited with my man and skip right into Saturday. Robert had to run up to Lynnwood bright and early to help his dad with a job and left me to sleep in. Then the three of us headed down the street to Belle Bakery for coffee and pastries. Rob and I spent the rest of the day blowing too much money at REI and enjoying lunch at Dukes. Oh man you guys, they have the best clam chowder. Before the M's game we had dinner and beers at Pyramid Brewery and I fell in foodie love with their bacon jam burger and the Apridunkle Ale. The Mariners played a great game and guess who had too many beers??? Ding ding ding, THIS GIRL. We had a blast and I may have turned our car into a club on the way to Kirkland where we stayed after the game. It's been a long time since I've woken up with a hangover! I'm so glad we were able to get away for some one on one time because who knows when that will happen again :) enjoy some weekend pics!

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