Wednesday, March 9, 2016

a little tlc

I finally got around to editing Taya's session to celebrate her 9th year! I love how they turned out and honestly had a hard time choosing which ones to have printed for the house. She also got to answer a little questionnaire which she loves doing... I was the same growing up, constantly taking quizzes in my Seventeen magazines, creating my own lists for friends to fill out and even still have some boxed away! I can't believe how much she has changed between 8 and 9. She is suddenly so much more independent!

This first one is my absolute favorite...

TAYA at 9

Favorite Color: Magenta
Favorite Food: Baked Beans
Favorite Dessert: Dirt Cake
Favorite Hobby: Hip Hop Dance
Best Friend: Aubrey
Favorite Toy: American Girl Dolls
Favorite Movie: Brave
At School I Love: PE
At School I Can't Stand: Math
The Best Thing That Happened To Me This Year Was: Camping for a whole week with Grandma and Papa
This New Year I Want To: Try out for Dance Explosion
When I Grow Up I Want To Be: A dolphin trainer

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