Tuesday, May 3, 2016

what's on my phone

I'm dying to get my office space set back up but we are way behind schedule with getting our living room put back together, so this will have to do for now!

Soccer and Sbucks.

Target done me REAL good.

Swooning over our future view!

Pedi days are here at last.

Celebrating littles!

Decisions decisions. Yeah, those are fake titts.

This stuff is the shit. Go buy it. (Wtf. One nostril bigger than the other. Just now noticing.)

Field tripping with Asha to the fire station!

Friday night vibes. Like three weeks ago lol.

And last but not least... You GUYS. I'm over the moon with our new family photos! I promise a proper blog is on the way with ALL our swoon worthy images but here's a favorite...

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