Monday, June 27, 2016

weekend adventures

I'm pooped from an adventerous weekend on the west side! We spent two gorgeous days enjoying the perfect 75 degree weather with all of our littles. On Saturday we spent some time in Bellevue at a cool neighborhood park that had a hidden walking trail behind it and then headed up to Lynnwood for PF Chang's and some shopping. We let the kids swim at the hotel all evening and ordered food in. Sunday we hit up REI, had lunch at Dukes on Alki Beach (Robert's fav!) and let the kids play in the sand and dip their toes in the water! Then on the way home we decided to stop along Snoqualmie and hike to Franklin Falls. Best idea ever! The kids absolutely love exporing so this was a perfect ending to the weekend. It's a really easy hike for younger kids, only 1 mile to the falls, and Emilia did really well walking most of the way. We don't do a lot of trips with ALL the kids at once, so it's become a goal of mine to make it happen more often. Long car rides definitely bring on some backseat bickering, but they did pretty well this time and I'm already thinking about another weekend getaway with them. It also became clear that I need to think about a larger vehicle. The 4Runner was absolutely crammed with everyone's bags and all the carseats, and the trunk really has no space when the third row is in use. 

Enjoy some fun pics!

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