Saturday, June 11, 2016

what's on my phone

Since I moved to Washington when I was 7, Community Days has been a family tradition and I love that I've carried it on with my girls. I have never missed a single year! The kids had a blast on the rides, Emi loved the parade and Taya rocked her hip hop performance with Footlites dance studio!

Park play date with my little ladies! We watched this duck nest into the bark under the slide and lay an egg! Then she peaced out! Parents these days... Smh. Hahah!

Asha Tenlee Grace graduated kindergarten last week! We are so proud of her!

One of our favorite things to do in the summer is visit the Little Free Libraries! They are all over the world and after some research we hope to have one up on our street before fall. You can borrow a book and return it, or take one and replace it with one you no longer want. It works on a faith based system which I think really invests in having a close-knit community. Visit to find one near you!

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