Tuesday, July 19, 2016

a magical celebration

(photo credit to auntie S!)

Emilia turned 3 this past Wednesday! I can't believe how fast it's gone. I remember the moment I found out I was expecting and I honestly didn't know how to wrap my mind around it. Did I have room for her? 42 weeks of pregnancy and a short 1 hour of labor later... YES. Yes I had all the room in my heart for her and she nestled perfectly into our lives.

She is sweet and sassy all at once. Our little ham who has us so wrapped around her little finger! She loves Mickey and Minnie, playing pretend with her baby dolls and play kitchen and wooden puzzles. She is super good at cleaning her room, gets herself dressed every morning and still absolutely hates having her hair brushed.

On Saturday we had the sweetest little unicorn party for her at home with family. We kept it simple with treats, snack foods and of course cupcakes! Here are some celebration photos and stay tuned for her three year pics whenever I get around to editing them.

This was from mom and dad! The cutest pink balance bike! If you don't know about these, YouTube them! A great idea for toddlers and Emi is absolutely loving hers already!

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