Thursday, November 12, 2015


To be completely honest, the last few weeks had me in meltdown mode. I've been moody, dreading the big 3-0 and wondering what the hell I've done up to this point. I've had many conversations on this topic with everyone from my mom to my best friends to my co workers. And it really took me until THE DAY to see the big picture. 

Being a Scorpio, we tend to make things a bit dramatic at times, so of course this epiphany finally revealed itself as I stood on the top of a mountain. Okay, it was more of a lookout ridge. See? Dramatic. I love places so big and wide that make you feel utterly insignificant. Like staring up at a clear night sky of stars and realizing you are hardly a speck in this great big thing we call life. Everything came into perspective. I have three beautiful children, that make me laugh and constantly teach me something. I can finance myself. I am educated and will soon have two different degrees. I could go on about everything I'm thankful for. I could also make a list of things I want but don't have. But that's not what I want my thirties to be about. I want my thirties to be full of grace, experiences and magic. I will believe in myself more, I will travel more, I will fill my home with lovely spaces, I will complete my education, I will cherish motherhood. 
Thinking about the fact that in 10 years my oldest will be graduating scares the hell out of me. I swear I was 20 just yesterday, and look how fast that has gone by. These next ten are bound to fly. 

Bring on the sparkle, the unicorns and the magic.

Enjoy a peek at 30 so far.

That's right. I got crazy and chopped off 7 inches.

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