Thursday, December 3, 2015

brown paper packages tied up with string

All of my major Christmas shopping is done! As things are being delivered I've been busy wrapping everything (yes, in brown paper and jute twine) and hiding it all in my closet! Choosing gifts for my littles this year seemed to be the easiest. I know they will love every single thing and I can't wait until Christmas morning arrives! Here is a little bit of a guide with some of the items I've purchased. I'm still working on stocking stuffers. They also got books, clothes, boots, hats, arts and crafts supplies, doll clothes and legos.

1. Kindle Fire HD for Taya
2. Headphones for Taya
3. Ripstik for Taya
4. Razor Scooter for Asha 
6. Doll Salon Set for Asha
7. IKEA Kitchen for Emilia
8. Play Food for Emilia
9. ABC Puzzle for Emilia

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