Monday, December 28, 2015

happy christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. There are so many ways to celebrate and I love hearing about everyone's traditions! Every year I tweak things a bit but still manage to keep some traditions alive from when I was a kid. Christmas day morning is still spent with my parents, brothers and sisters opening presents which my dad always passes out to us one by one while wearing his Santa hat. We eat my moms cinnamon rolls (this year it was a cinnamon roll casserole), breakfast strata and oranges. There is always an orange at the foot of everyone's stocking. Those are details that have stuck with me over the years. This years changes included opening presents with my girls at our own house on Christmas Eve! They were thrilled about this spur of the moment decision and so excited about all of their goodies. Of course Santa still came that night and left them their big gifts! I got some great gifts myself and while it's not the reason for the season, it's definitely enjoyable to have some new goodies (see end of post to see what I got!). NYE plans are still up in the air but I'm thinking home, good friends, great food, games and cheers! Happy Christmas everyone!
Christmas morning at The McGarity's!
So nice to have sister home for Christmas! She normally visits her parents in California.
Santa came!
Reading a special book from Auntie S. And isn't that unicorn adorable!? All three girls got one and they are from Land of Nod.
Emi and her Grandpa G!

1. Sorel Caribou Boots: Turns out these were a tad too big even though they are my usual size 7s, so they are getting exchanged for a size down. So cozy and can't wait to break them in!
2. Keurig 2.0 in Sandy Pearl: I've slowly been working on a home coffee bar in the dining room and it will soon be complete now that I got the main component! I love the color!!!
3. iPad Pro: SPOILED you guys. ROTTEN. I'm turning into a little techie. Yesterday I got the keyboard and I'm pretty sure I will also get the Apple pencil. Editing photos on it is a breeze and this blog post is coming from none other :)
4. Wall Storage from Hobby Lobby: I've been eyeing this ever since I spotted it on Pinterest months ago! It will be perfect above my new Keurig and filled with pods and adorable mugs!
5. Crockpot: I've had my crockpot since I was 18 when my parents gifted it to me for my new apartment. It was absolutely time for an upgrade!
6. Starbucks Mug: This was a gift from my little birds and mommy loves it! I also got a gold-lidded Siren tumbler that is perfect to take back and forth to work and school.
7. Canucks Hat: My first peice of Canucks gear! So excited to wear it to my first game in February and explore Vancouver! I've been through on my way to Whistler a handful of times but never stopped.

I also recieved gift cards to Amazon, Victoria's Secret, Hobby Lobby and Starbucks.

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