Saturday, January 16, 2016

taking back my body

From mid November to end of December I gained a whopping 10 pounds. After all of my hard-work and dedication over the summer that is just unacceptable to me. Here is some history. In high school I weighed about 120 consistently. Looking back at pictures is just shocking to me! I was pretty active through junior high and the first half of high school playing fast pitch and volleyball so that set me up pretty good. Pending graduation I suffered a severe depression in 2004 and my weight went up to 145. Working in restaurants and starting my partying phase didn't help. Fast forward to 2006 and expecting my first daughter. I gained exactly 35 pounds and was 180 the morning I went to be induced. That weight came down slightly afterwards but definitely not the whole 35. By the time Taya was 2 I really wanted another. I was desperate to get to 138 before making that happen. Que in Solo Slim! It was a miracle pill. I lost 27 pounds in just over a month and it was a huge transformation both physically and emotionally. I got pregnant with Asha right away and gained that same 35 pounds which I had expected and prepared for. After a year of breastfeeding I went in search of Solo Slim again, but they had changed the formula and it had zero effect on me. I dieted and worked out here and there but nothing really stuck and I stayed around 165. Fast forward again to 2012. Very unexpected pregnant with Emilia. I was devastated at the thought of gaining another 35 pounds. I cried and stressed a lot about it. By some insane miracle I gained 10 pounds the entire pregnancy! Yes, TEN. Considering her weight of 8.11, a placenta and fluids, I have no idea how I managed that. I did eat healthy for the most part besides my daily giant slurpee and massive amount of dark chocolate I inhaled. In the winter of 2015 I started the 21 Day Fix program which is a mix of diet (including Shakeology) and exercise. I ended up going from 162 to 134 (as of June) and was thrilled! I should mention that I continually did the 21 day fix, even after 21 days. all some and fall I stayed steady. Then the holidays happened! November is an appreciation month for my department at the hospital so we had a potluck once each week, then Thanksgiving and all those leftovers and then of course Christmas which brought on more potlucks, parties and too many leftovers. Time to take this 144 back to 134. My goal is to loose 10 pounds by Valentines Day and I already kicked off a cardio this morning! Shakeology for lunch! Once I get back to 134 I really want to get back into strength straining and build some muscle. Why 134? Because that is within my ideal weight range according to sex, height and age. Check out these transformation selfies!

November 2014 and October 2015

December 2014 on the left, April 2015 on the right.

Snapchats from Oct 2015 and Nov 2015 (my 30th birthday actually!) Weighing 134.

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