Thursday, August 20, 2015

left my heart in seattle

Every time I cross our beautiful cascade mountain range to the west side, my heart is instantly filled. Seattle has always had my heart and every time I come back it truly feels like coming home. I'm determined to someday make that happen but for now weekend trips will have to suffice.
This past weekend I went over with the intention of shutting off my overworked brain and going wherever I felt compelled. Starting off at Bellevue Square early in the morning to check out sales and spoil Emi with fall fashion finds, then to one of my favorite neighborhoods, Ballard. The most adorable streets lined with cobblestone, shadey trees and unique boutiques. It is also the home of my favorite dessert shop, Hot Cakes! Skipping Emilia's usual nap turned out to be a huge mistake and from here on out I got to endure some pretty epic tantrums. My poor sister who was with us, probably secured birth control for at least another couple of years! We stopped at Skillet in Capitol Hill for some lunch before hitting Pikes Place which was insanely packed thanks to some rare Seattle sunshine. Heading home was filled with much needed Starbucks and a screaming toddler. Cheers to the terrible twos and enjoy some snaps! 
Don't let all the smiley pictures fool you.
Motzart-ing on a random piano in the middle of a park.
This pretty much sums up the day. And THAT is the look Emi wore 95% of the time. 

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