Wednesday, August 12, 2015

taya + celiacs

After years of pressing our pediatrician, dealing with upset tummies, nausea and most recently some rough behavior changes we received a long awaited referral to Seattle Children's Hospital for Taya. Our first appointment was about three weeks ago and we went over for labs and exams. Her blood work came back mostly all perfect except for one part. For most people the measurement on a Celiacs lab is between 1 and 19. Taya's came back over 100. To finalize the diagnosis we returned this past weekend to SCH for a biopsy and beginning repair on her very damaged small intestine. She underwent general anesthesia and it was immediately confirmed as soon as they scoped and actually got to see what was going on. She has been diagnosed with Classic Celiacs Disease. This may seem minor considering the newer gluten free fad that many people have taken on just because. But as an 8 year old girl with no choice in the matter it is so much harder. I will be doing a complete kitchen overhaul with our food products this weekend and have already started making small changes. By September 1st, she is expected to be completely gluten free. This is also the day of her post-op at SCH where we will meet with her surgeon to discuss another opperation she will have this winter to finish repairing her damaged intestine and also her assigned dietician to help guide us with her meal changes. We will then return two weeks later for another appointment with a psychologist who specializes in helping kids with Celiacs and other gastro disorders as it can be very difficult for kiddos to adjust. Taya has been very brave with everything she has had to deal with and I will be there for her every step of the way!
Arriving at Seattle Children's for surgery day!
Ellie got a hospital bracelet too! Taya got her the day she was born.
Prepped for surgery.
Moments before starting general anesthesia. Don't let that laugh fool you. She fought hard as soon as she felt the effects and it took four Drs and nurses to hold her down. Very tearful for both her and myself.
All done and all smiles!
Lunch at the Rainforest Cafe with mom and Kailee before heading home!

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