Monday, August 31, 2015

third grade

Today Taya started the third grade! I cannot believe how fast the years go by with my girls. It's as if every new one is a little quicker than the last. This year she will be at a new school and learning how to take care of her Celiacs somewhat independently, as I cannot be with her every single meal to make sure she is making the right decisions. It is so hard for her to say no to things she wants but cannot have and it's equally hard for me to let go and trust that she will make the right decisions for herself. Tomorrow we will head back to Seattle Children's Hospital for her post-op and also to meet with her new dietician for some more guidance on meals and healthy living. In the meantime here are a couple of pictures from this morning!
(Dress: Old Navy, Boots: Gap Kids, Headband: Target)

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