Friday, September 18, 2015

friday five

1. Do NOT go to IKEA on a Saturday which is also a holiday. Just don't. Insanely crazy, parked a mile away and a quick trip in turned into two very frustrating hours.

2. Cherish every single moment of babyhood. Seriously you guys, two years can go by so fast. Putting Emilia's new big girl bed together last week was so bittersweet. But taking down that crib will absolutely bring on the waterworks. Stay tuned for a full post on her new big girl room!

3. I like to assume I'm not the only one so obsessed with Trader Joes. I don't come home from the west side without stopping in Issaquah to stock up. Even if I was also there just last week. New favs: cold pressed watermelon juice, soft baked snicker doodles, caramel cheddar popcorn. Old favs: pumpkin pancake mix, pumpkin cheesecake, apple slices.

4. While on the topic of food. Go here. And splurge for the breakfast bar which is full of fresh fruit and local whipped cream that I could not stop eating. There are three locations and this is the one in the U-District.

5. Last one. I hate living in town. My sister lives on the most gorgeous country property and I absolutely had to share her most recent "backyard" photo. Swoon. So much swoon.

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